About Us

Postmusik Salzburg

Postmusik Salzburg is a symphonic wind orchestra with a broad musical repertoire. The orchestra consists of excellent amateur and professional musicians and is well-known and in demand both at home and abroad. Concert tours have taken them to many European cities, Australia, Tasmania and China. In Austria, the orchestra has performed at venues including the Vienna Musikvereinssaal and can often be heard in the context of the Salzburg Festival (e.g. as incidental music or at the festival opening). Their CD “Sound of Music” was awarded a gold disc.

Symphonic brass music

A symphonic wind orchestra is a far cry from what some people sometimes think of as wind music. It is comparable to a classical symphony orchestra, but in this orchestral form the string section is dispensed with apart from the double bass. Instead, all wind sections and the percussion are amplified and supplemented by a full saxophone section. In certain works, the orchestra is also supplemented by an electric bass and a piano.

A symphonic wind orchestra can play the same works that were composed for a classical symphony orchestra. The parts of the string section are taken over by the woodwinds, which is particularly interesting in terms of sound. As a symphonic wind orchestra has a broad and somewhat different sound spectrum, many original compositions have also been written for symphonic wind orchestras in recent decades.


Postmusik Salzburg has a broad repertoire. On the one hand, the focus is on the symphonic wind music described above. On the other hand, the orchestra also focusses on other genres such as operetta and musicals. Here, the orchestra regularly works with various singers. Chamber music in various arrangements is also part of Postmusik Salzburg’s repertoire.


In addition to the large symphonic orchestra, there are also several smaller ensembles with different line-ups within Postmusik Salzburg. The most successful is the Post Big Band Salzburg. It is in great demand during the ball season and has also played as a live band at the European Standard Dancing Championships, for example. Internationally, the Post Big Band is known as the “on-board band” on several Mediterranean cruise ships.

And even more…

Postmusik Salzburg has developed into an internationally recognised symphonic wind orchestra. However, it also stands in the tradition of classical brass bands and therefore does not only play sitting down. Music in motion is also more than just classical marching. In the context of competitions and special events, we rehearse our own choreographies.